Friday, August 9, 2019

Critique of the Play The Servant of Two masters Essay

Critique of the Play The Servant of Two masters - Essay Example I knew him a little bit. Three years I lived in Turin. Knew his sister too. Dressed like a man, rode like a man†. Rasponi was betrothed to Clarice, Clarice only doing so out of duty to her father. This scene literally establishes that Rasponi is dead, in a way that is hard to fake (which makes later events a little strange) and also establishes a common theme of the play: That Beatrice looks like a man, dresses like a man, and acts like a man. Since Beatrice did this even before pretending to be a man, this not only helps the audience believe she is capable of it, but also tells us something about Beatrice's character. Afterwards, Truffaldino introduces himself, establishing several puns and word-plays in the process. â€Å"Poor guy... deaf as cheddar. My master is Signor Federigo Rasponi†. Truffaldino, once being told that Rasponi is dead, makes a quick exit: â€Å"Dead's dead, he's not cheese, he won't improve with age. Still, I should take a look myself†. Truff aldino is first introducing who is master is, then making clear that he has no business with these people if his master is dead. This humorous sequence not only sets up the shock of Beatrice introducing herself as Rasponi and therefore causing Clarice to be in a position to have to marry her but also serves to show that Truffaldino seems unaware of the whole situation.

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