Saturday, August 31, 2019

High Self-esteem Essay

Review Questions 1. In what areas do children and adolescents define their self-esteem?: In Self Image, and in the environment they live in. 2. What are the characteristics of a person with high self-esteem?: Ambitious, optimistic about life, good communication skills, and they are very psychologically healthy and emotionally stable. 3. What are the characteristics of a person with low self-esteem?: Fail to achieve goals, poor communication skills, Are prone to anxiety, depression, hostility, loneliness, shame, and guilt, and they form unhealthy, destructive relationships with others. 4. What can a parent do, in the first two years of their child’s life, to help the child develop good self-esteem?: The first is a sense of themselves as individuals. The child learns that he exists as an individual in the world, and that his actions have observable consequences in the surrounding environment. The child learns that he has the power to manipulate the world around him—to make things happen. The second important concept a child develops during this time is a sense of trust and love that is built upon a solid bond between the child and his caregivers. 5. What are some things that have a negative effect on a child’s self-esteem?: Their self-image, fitting in, and their parents fighting at home. Critical Thinking Questions 1. Why is it difficult to define self-esteem?: It’s difficult because people don’t always know what the exact definition for the word is. 2. Is success in life a cause of high self-esteem, an effect of high self-esteem, or neither?: In my opinion, I say an effect. I say this because if you have high self-esteem, you will accomplish a lot more. Success takes a lot of work, it’s not easy to be successful now a days. 3. What are some ways that parents can help their children develop good social self-esteem?: They could teach them appropriate vocabulary. They can also start getting their kids into speaking to people in public, if they need it. They could get them to start speaking up for themselves. 4. What are some ways that parents can help their children develop good academic self-esteem?: To help them with their school work. They could also get their child a tutor, or maybe they can let them stay after school and get tutored. They could also have standards, not too high and not too low. It depends on the child’s ability on how well they can do. 5. Children will start to exhibit gender-specific behaviors in early childhood. Boys will tend to be more active and aggressive. Girls, on average, are calmer and more agreeable. Children also start to show a preference for toys and clothing that are traditional for their gender. Why do you this is?: They are starting to get to that point where they are changing. Different feelings and hormones. Maybe something is going on in their environment that they live in. Maybe they’re just starting to grow up.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Judicial Law-Making Essay

The independence of the judiciary was ensured by the act of settlement 1700, which transferred the power to sack judges from the crown to the parliament. Consequently, judges should theoretically make their decisions based purely on the logical deductions of precedent, uninfluenced by political or career considerations. The eighteenth century legal commentator, William Blackstone, introduced the declaratory theory of law, stating that judges do not make law, but merely, by the rules of precedence, discover and declare the law that has always been: ‘the judge being sworn to determine, not according to his private sentiments†¦ ot according to his own private judgement, but according to the known laws and customs of the land: not delegated to pronounce a new law, but to maintain an expound the old one’. Blackstone does not accept that precedent does not even offer a choice between two or more interpretations of the law: where a bad decision is made, he states, the new one that reverses or overrules it is not a new law, nor a statement that the old decision was bad law, but a declaration that the previous decision was â€Å"not law†, in other words that it was the wrong answer. His view presupposes that there is always one right answer, to be deduced from the objective study of precedence. Today, however, this position is considered somewhat unrealistic. If the operation of precedent is the precise science Blackstone suggested, a large majority of cases in the higher courts would never come to court at all. The lawyer’s concern could simply look up the relevant case law and predict what the decision would be, then advise whichever of the clients would be bound to lose not to bother bringing or fighting the case. In a civil case, or any appeal case, no good lawyer would advise a client to bring or defend the case that they had no chance of winning. Therefore, where such a case is contested, it can be assumed that, unless one of the lawyers has made a mistake, it could go either way, and still be in accordance with the law. In practice, thus, judges’ decisions may not be as neutral as Blackstone’s declaratory theory suggests: they have to make choices which are by no means spelled out by precedent. Yet, rather than openly stating that they are choosing between two or more equally relevant precedents, the courts find ways to avoid awkward ones, which give them the impression that the precedents they do choose to follow are the only ones they could possibly apply. Ronald Dworkin argues that judges have no real discretion in making case law. He sees law as a seamless web of principles, which supply a right answer – and only one – to every possible problem. Dworkin reasons that although stated legal rules may â€Å"run out† (in the sense of not being directly applicable to a new case) legal principles never do, and therefore judges never need to use their own discretion. In his book, ‘laws’ empire 1986†², professor Dworkin claims that judges first look at previous cases, and from those deduce which principles could be said to apply to the case for them. They then consult their own sense of justice as to which apply, and also consider what the communities’ view of justice dictates. Where the judges’ view and that of the community coincide, there is no problem, but if they conflict, the judges then ask themselves whether or not it would be fair to impose their own sense of justice over that of the community. Dworkin calls this the interpretive approach and, although it may appear to involve a series of choices, he considers that the legal principles underlying the decisions mean that in the end, only one result could possibly surface from any one case. Dworkin’s approach has been heavily criticised as being unrealistic: opponents believe that judges do not consider principles of justice but take a much more pragmatic approach, looking at the facts of the case, not the principles. Critical legal theorists, like as David Kairys (1998) take a quite different view. They argue that judges have considerable freedom within the doctrine of precedent. Kairys suggests that there is no such thing as legal reasoning in the sense of a logical, neutral method of determining rules and results from what has gone before. He states that judicial decisions are actually based on a ‘complex mixture of social, political, institutional, experiential, and personal factors’, and are simply legitimated, or justified, by reference to previous cases. The law provides a ‘wide and conflicting variety’ of such justifications ‘from which courts pick and choose’. The process is not necessarily as cynical as it sounds. Kairys points out that he is not saying that judges actually make the decision and then consider which precedents they can pick to justify it: rather their own eliefs and prejudices naturally lead them to give more weight to precedents which support both views. Nevertheless, for critical legal theorists, all such decisions can be seen as reflecting social and political judgements, rather than objective, purely logical deductions. Critical theory argues that the neutral appearance of so called ‘legal reasoning’ disguises the true nature of legal decisions which, by the choices made, uphold existing power relations within society, tending to favour, for example, employers over employees, property owners over those without, men over women, and rich, developed countries over poor, undeveloped ones. Griffith (1997) argues that judges make their decisions based on what they see as the public interest, but that their view of this interest is coloured by their background and their position in society. He points out that judges’ view of public interest assumes that the interests of all the members of society are roughly the same, ignoring the fact that within society, different groups, employers and employees, men and women, rich and poor – may have interests which are diametrically opposite. What appears to be acting in public interest will usually mean in the interest of one group over another, and therefore cannot be seen as neutral. Waldron, in his book ‘The Law’ (1989), agrees that judges do make law, and that they are influenced in those instances of law-making by political and ideological considerations, but argues that this is not necessarily a bad thing. He contends that while it would be wrong for judges to be biased towards one side in a case, or to make decisions based on political factors in the hope of promotion, it is unrealistic to expect a judge to be ‘a political neuter – emasculated of all values and principled commitments’. Although judges have traditionally seen themselves as declaring or finding rather than creating law, and frequently state that making law is the prerogative of the parliament, there are several areas in which they clearly do make law. In the first place, historically, a great deal of English law is and always has been case law, made by judicial decisions. Contract and tort law are still largely judge made, and many of the most important developments – for example, the development of negligence as a tort – have had profound effects. Even though statutes have later been passed in these subjects, and occasionally parliament has attempted to embody whole areas of common law in statutory form, these still embody the original principles created by the judges. Secondly, the application of law, whether case law or statute, to a particular case is not usually an automatic matter. Terminology may be vague or ambiguous, new developments and social life have to be accommodated, and the procedure requires interpretation as well as application. As we have suggested, judicial precedent does not always make a particular decision obvious and obligatory – there may be conflicting precedents, their implications may be unclear, and there are ways of getting round a precedent that may otherwise produce an undesirable decision. If it is accepted that Blackstone’s declaratory theory does not apply in practice, then clearly the judges do make law, rather than explaining the law that is already there. The theories advanced by Kairys, Griffith, and Waldron, all accept that judges do have discretion, and therefore they do to some extent make law. Where precedents do not spell out what should be done in a case before them, judges nevertheless have to make a decision. They cannot simply say that the law is not clear and refer it back to parliament, even though in some cases they point out that the decision before them would be more appropriately decided by those who have been elected to make decisions on changes in the law. This was the case in Airedale NHS Trust v Bland (1993), where the House of Lords considered the fate of Tony Bland, the football supporter left in a coma, after the Hillsborough stadium disaster. The court had to decide whether it was lawful to stop supplying the drugs and artificial feeding that were keeping Bland alive, even though it was known that doing so would mean his death soon afterwards. Several law lords made it plain that they felt that cases raising ‘wholly new moral and social issues; should be decided by the Parliament, the judges’ role being to ‘apply the principles which society, through the democratic process, adopts, not to impose their standards on society. Nevertheless, the courts had no option but to make the decision one way or another, and they decided that the action was lawful in the circumstances, because it was in the patient’s best interests. Thirdly, our judges have been left to define their own role, and the role of the courts generally in the political system, more or less as they please. They have, for example, given themselves the power to review decisions of any public body, even when parliament has said those decis ions are not to be reviewed. In addition, despite their frequent pronouncements that it is not for them to interfere in parliament’s law making role, the judges have made it plain that they will not, unless forced by very explicit wording, interpret statutes as encroaching on common law rights or judge made law. They also control the operation of case law without reference to parliament : an obvious example is that the 1966 practice statement announcing that the HOL would no longer be bound by its own decisions, which made case law more flexible and thereby gave the judges more power, was made on the courts own authority, without needing permission from parliament. The HOL has explained its approach to judicial law-making (which is likely to be the same for the Supreme Court) in the case of C (a minor) v DPP 1995, which raised the issue of children’s liability for crime. The common law defence of doli incapax provided that a D aged between 10 and 14 could be liable for a crime only if the prosecution could prove that the child knew that what he or she did was seriously wrong. On appeal from the magistrates’ court, the divisional court held that the defence was outdated and should no longer exist in law. An appeal was brought before the HOL arguing that the divisional court was bound by precedent and not able to change the law in this way. the HOL agreed and went on to consider whether it should change the law itself (as the 1966 practice statement clearly allowed it to do), but decided that this was not an appropriate case for judicial law making.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Google Speech

Presenter: General Purpose: Specific Purpose: Central Idea: Informative Speech Outline Sample Student To inform To inform the audience about Google Incorporation and its significant and various technological innovations. Google is more than a search engine; it is one of the most technologically innovative companies of the 21st century. l. Introduction A. Imagine yourself walking into a bookstore that contains billions of books. Billions of books that's not organized, not in alphabetic, categorical, or genre order; No employee to assist you and no centralized system.You need to find a specific book in short amount of time. Posed in this predicament, it is extremely doubtful you'll be able to find that book. The World Wide Web is no different; it is a highly disorganized collection of documents in many different formats. But thanks to search engines, we know there's a solution. B. Google is the most popular search engine used by everyone in the world today. It provides users organized and relevant search results in a matter of seconds. It is also one of the most technologically innovative companies of the 21st century.C. Based on my research through reading books, Journals, and rticles I have gathered substantial information about Google Incorporation. D. Three main points people should know about Google is: 1. History of Google Incorporation 2. The Science Behind Google's Search Engine 3. Google Project Glass II. History of Google Incorporation A. Larry Page and Sergey Brin 1. 1998 – Founders of Google Incorporation. 2. 1995 – The two met in Stanford University. a. Stanford computer science grad students. 3. Collaborated on a search engine called BackRub. . According to Steven Levy author of In The Plex, â€Å"Page understood that web links were ike citations in a scholarly article. It was widely recognized that you could identify which papers were really important without reading them†simply tally up how many other papers cited them in note s and bibliographies. Page believed that this principle could also work with web pages. † B. Start of Google Incorporation 1. 1997 – Larry and Sergey changed the name of their search engine to Google, which was derived from the play on word â€Å"Googol† a.A mathematical term for the number represented in the figure 1 followed by 100 zeros equal to 10100. 2. An investor writes Larry and Sergey a check for $100,000 a. 1998 – Both privately incorporate Google b. They set up a workspace in a friends Garage in Menlo Park. 3. According to Global Business Magazine by 1998 Google had an uncanny knack for returning extremely relevant results. Even though Google had yet to significantly penetrate the search market, by the end of 1999 they had raised $25 million in venture capital, moved into bigger offices twice and hired 40 employees and a company cook.C. Google Onward 1 . According to Google's Company History Timeline, from 2000 through 2013, Google aunched and r eleased a wide variety of new internet based applications, services, products, made key partnerships and acquisitions. a. From Just releasing 15 different languages supported by Google. com (e. g. French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Google has released numerous apps and services such as: i. Google Books – search for free books online it. Google Docs ; Spreadsheets – use docs that are similar to Microsoft office Word and Excel spreadsheet online for free iii.Google Health – store and manage medical records online iv. Google Cloud – ability to save data online . Google formed key partnerships with companies like Yahoo! and AOL. d. Google acquired key companies such as: i. Pyra Labs – the creator of blogger it. Youtube e. Google released products such as: i. Nexus One – Android Smartphone (Nexus 4 New V. )) it. Nexus Tablets (Nexus 7 ; Nexus 10) iii. Samsung ChromeBook Laptop Transition: Now that we know how Google got started, let's look at what makes it go. Ill. The Science Behind Google's Search Engine A.Google PageRank Algorithm 1. It is the most well-known Algorithm named after Google's co-founder and CEO Larry Page. . According to Randall Stross author of Planet Google, â€Å"An algorithm is a set of rules for solving a particular problem; it's the essential building block used in constructing complex computer software. Google's PageRank algorithm†¦ [Fixed the problem of the disorganized documents of the World Wide Web by the algorithm's ability to]†¦ index and analyze web pages. B. How does the PageRank Work? 1 . According to Google. om PageRank works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important the website is. a. The undamental theory is: the more links leading to a website from other websites, the more important that website receiving those links becomes. 2. In other words, according to Luis Posselt's article What Google Page Rank is and how it works? Google Page Rank can be seen as a popularity ranking tool because in fact that is what Google does when ranking websites. Google basically with the algorithm behind PageRank will give more page rank to the more popular websites. a.Luis Posselt states that PageRank is a â€Å"vote†, in which all the other web pages vote (through links rom web pages to other web pages), that determines how important a web page is. b. However, PageRank doesn't regulate which webpages are included in the search results when a search term is entered into Google; that is determined by the significance of titles, keywords and phrases contained within those pages. C. Google Panda Algorithm 1 . According to Brafton. com, the name â€Å"Panda† comes from the Google engineer Navneet Panda, who developed the technology that made it possible for Google to create and implement the algorithm. . According to Google. com the Panda Algorithm was implemented to improve the ser experience by ca tching and demoting low-quality sites that did not provide useful original content or otherwise add much value. 3. At the same time, it provided better rankings for high-quality sites†sites with original content and information such as research, in-depth reports, thoughtful analysis and so on. Transition: Now that we know how Google works, let's look at what they are working on for the future. IV. Google Project Glass A. In 2012 secret lab of Google – Google X 1 . Unveiled their plans to release the Google Project Glass. . Eye glasses that Google+ Glass . It is basically a computer inside a pair of glasses 2. It has a 1. 3cm display, which comes into focus when you look up and to the right. 3. Users will be able to take and share photos, video-chat, check messages, events, access maps and the internet. C. Technology of the Future 1 . Google demonstrates in a creative video what this technology might enable users to do in the future. 2. The video portrays what the user s ees through the glasses; like information and apps such: Google calendar, Google+, time, temperature, camera, chat location, and more. D.Smartphone Experience . According to PCMAG. com the Google Glass projects a smartphone-like experience into your field of vision: a. You can see texts, emails, check the weather, and queue up your music. b. You can respond or make calls with voice activated commands. c. The augmented- reality interface can highlight things you see in real life and tell you more about them. d. You can also share live video of what you are seeing with someone else. E. Google Glass Hardware Specifications

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Security Planning and Assessment - terrorism Essay

Security Planning and Assessment - terrorism - Essay Example Delivered items can include letters, packets and parcels and may contain explosive or incendiary devices, sharps or blades, offensive materials, chemical, biological or radiological (CBR) materials or devices. Anyone receiving a suspicious delivery is unlikely to know exactly which type it is, so procedures should cater for every eventuality. A delivered item will probably have received fairly rough handling in the post and so any device is unlikely to function through being moved, but any attempt at opening it may set it off. In contrast, even gentle handling or movement of an item containing CBR material can lead to the release of contamination. Unless delivered by courier, an item is unlikely to contain a timing device. Delivered items come in a variety of shapes and sizes; a well-made one will look innocuous but there are many possible indicators that a delivered item may be of concern. Bulky deliveries (e.g. office equipment, stationery and catering supplies) are also a potential vulnerability. This risk can be reduced through measures such as: matching deliveries against orders, only accepting those which are expected; using trusted suppliers wherever possible; maintaining vigilance; inspecting deliveries. Although any suspect item should be treated seriously, remember that the great majority will be false alarms and a few may be hoaxes. Try to ensure that your procedures, while effective, are not needlessly disruptive. A properly conducted risk assessment should give you a good idea of the likely threat to your organisation and indicate precautions you need to take; seek advice from your local police Counter Terrorism Security Adviser (CTSA) on the threat and appropriate protective measures. Ensure that all staff who handle and open mail and other deliveries are and remain aware of the possible indicators that a delivered item may be of concern, and the appropriate action upon discovery of any suspicious delivered item. While this advice applies particularly to staff in post rooms, it is also relevant to all staff who may be the recipients of such items, as well as staff at entrances who may receive hand and courier delivered items. Train staff who open significant volumes of post to do so with letter openers and with minimum movement, to keep hands away from noses and mouths and always to wash their hands after such work. Staff should not blow into envelopes or shake them. There is much debate about the use of washing and shower facilities in the event of the release of a suspected CBR material. What is best to do in this regard depends on the nature of the material - the emergency services are best placed to make such judgments. Advice on initial action upon discovery of any suspicious delivered item therefore excludes such advice but recommends that those directly affected are moved to a safe location close to the incident, keeping these individuals separate from those not involved. The only instance where thorough washing is advised is if an individual suffers discomfort following contact with what appears to be a corrosive solid or liquid; copious amounts of water should be used.Encouraging regular correspondents to put their return address on each item, and in particular to provide advance warning of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Telecommuting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Telecommuting - Essay Example While the new concept has many specific advantages and at the same time certain inherent limitations over conventional work places and can be implemented only in limited spheres of work, the concept is gaining immense popularity both among employers and employees due to tremendous flexibility available to them while working at home and also sufficiently meeting company deadlines. The aim of this paper is to study and bring out various advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting and their effects on organizational work culture and certain behavioral aspects in the present era. Hidden inside our advance to a new production system is a potential for social change so breathtaking in scope that few among us have been willing to face its meaning. For we are about to revolutionize our homes as well. Telecommuting is the trend which has grown fast since 1975 when just about 3% people worked from home and they were mostly farmers. Today, a much greater number of people are telecommuting and working from home. Telecommuting essentially implies that employees are using means of computers and telephones for work rather than using normal transportation channels. This has helped them save commuting time wasted on roads or rail, which in many cases can be up to 2-3 hours a day or 25-30% of time spent outside homes. This work culture saves money for employers as well in terms of reduced infrastructural requirements for employees and added benefits of improved productivity, better motivation for people in need as well as personal satisfaction for the employees who cannot move out of homes but want to work nevertheless. However, this aspect has had a considerable effect of lasting nature on the prevalent office culture. In succeeding paragraphs, we shall discuss the advantages and disadva ntages of telecommuting Telecommuting: Benefits Saved Time and Effort. As per a recent research, 10 minutes commuting time one-way amounts to two 40 hrs weeks a year. A similar 40 min one way commuting time consumes eight working weeks every year. (Telework, 2006) For those of us not understanding the gravity of the situation, this commuting time which is actually wasted doing nothing productive is actually equivalent to our whole entitlement of leave and holidays every year. Imagine having double number of off-duty days without any effect on your salary! Improved Productivity. Direct fallout of telecommuting has been improved productivity of an individual. While working from office, many good employees have serious reservations owing to their personal requirements at home. This is especially so in cases of working mothers, single parents or individuals with similar responsibilities. Such people, despite their good employability, cannot work and thus choose part time working or staying at homes. Even if they choose to work, they are pre-occupied with their personal requirements directly or indirectly affecting their work quality and as well as company's output. If such people have an opportunity to work from home than commute to office

Monday, August 26, 2019

Data Warehouse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Data Warehouse - Essay Example The data warehousing is a multi-task activity and it quite different from traditional transaction-oriented operational database management activity. It involves various state – of – art application tools and techniques for aggregating and thereby summarizing large amounts of data that assists in an effective data management and retrial. A state-of-the-art application in the data warehousing is one that can achieve a near-real-time situation. Most organizations call for immediate decision-making, which needs real-time analysis, and presentation of decision-making. Many data warehouse applications achieve this by shortening the loading cycles using micro batch ETL. These applications have unique characteristics which include: highly scalable data mining algorithms, ease of integration with other components, efficient and secure in database processes, ease of use and user-friendliness and can support relevant standards. It is, however, important to have proper consideratio ns while choosing the methodology to use in the implementation of the applications and also the entire system. Two options are available. Both of the approaches have both advantages and disadvantages; therefore, the organization should consider the individual components and the nature of activities before deciding which approach to use. In any case, it is important to consider factors such as the volume of work, user technical skills, availability of budget and the time available to carry out the activity. (Prabhu, and Venkatesan, 20). What Have Been Notable Successes that We Can Emulate? There are numerous notable success stories of organization that can be emulated. One of such stories is Hallmark Cards. Hallmark Cards with $3.6 billion in annual sales and 20,000 employees, is a leader in the personal expressions industry. It has approximately 40,000 products selling through over 40,000 retail outlets. Since as a personal expression industry, it was very critical for the company business to understand what is happening at retail outlets in order to react quickly to changes in the environment. Hallmark utilized the warehouse environment with data mart along with decision support system (DSS) to help his management to understand market environment to launch a major new product line. By using data mart,

Pricing strategy of ipos and what are the reason behind failure in Essay

Pricing strategy of ipos and what are the reason behind failure in ipos in india - Essay Example I am aware of the policy on plagiarism and can understand its implications. I can produce a hard copy of this assignment as when demanded by the University. The Dissertation entitled Under Pricing and After Market Performance- a Study on Indian Initial Public Offering is the outcome of my sole effort with the advice and help of many. First I am grateful to the Almighty for the endless help and enthusiasm extended to me completing the work in time. I am also thankful to my Professor (Name here) for his/her valuable supervision and advice for producing a quality work. Next, I am indebted to each and every friend of mine for the help and enthusiasm they extended to me for completing the work without much difficulty. I am also grateful to University (Name of the university) for the help and learning environment extended to me for studying and preparing a dissertation on finance. Finally, I would like to thank my parents for the warm influence and love which ha been a source of inspiration for me for the successful completion of the work. The work entitled under pricing and after market performance- A study on Indian Initial Public Offering is an attempt to examine the important determinants of under pricing and analyse the behaviour of initial public offering return and after market performance in Indian context. The researcher takes a sample of 20 Indian Initial Public Offering listed on both Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE). The samples are selected on a certain conditions to ensure the authenticity of the data collected and the generalisations arrived at after the completion of the work. Many research studies have been undertaken in the field of market under pricing and long rum market performance. Many of them came out with results that under pricing are a common phenomenon in the stock market IPO and the long term performance of common stock is exactly in

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Work-Based Practice, Including Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Work-Based Practice, Including Ethics - Essay Example The effect of physical harm and abusive language was traumatic and resulted in emotional distress for the disabled patients. Although the accused were given sentences in jail for around six months time, however the question arises how ethical values conflicted in this scenario and also how fundamental theoretical principles of ethical decision making are applicable here. There are four fundamental ethical principles that cover the social care practice. These values include autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice (Gostin, 1991, p. 191). Within these doctrines come other principles such as respect, non-discrimination, well-being, consent and confidentiality (BASW, 2012). Being autonomous include showing respect for other individuals’ independence and also the decisions made by them (Tauber, 2005). In situations, where a certain individual is not capable of making sound decisions or exhibit autonomy, necessary measures are required to be taken to curtail any chances of harm to the clients. On the other hand, beneficence and non-maleficence are complementary values that are applicable together in certain situations (Tauber, 2005). Beneficence includes measures that ensure wellbeing of others and non-maleficence includes not taking any decisions or steps that can cause harm to others especially clients (Robison and Resser, 2002). There can be instances in which these values may conflict. In the given scenario, it was the responsibility of the care home workers to ensure that respect of the patients who were a vulnerable population already remains well-protected and no measures should be taken that can cause harm to them physically or mentally. In the given scenario, discrimination was practiced often and disregard for such patients was given as the reason by the accused staff. More than treatment itself, the reasons behind such behaviour were based on prejudice which is against the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Geomorphology Lab 5 Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Geomorphology 5 - Lab Report Example us solution while EC measures the degree to which a solution carries an electric current, calculated as the ratio of the current density in the material to the electric field that causes the flow of current. Consequently, the complex nature of the variability calls for a study, which can provide a succinct explanation to the basis of this phenomenon. Data analysis was an important aspect in testing the hypotheses. In which case, data was collected for ph and EC for the different sites and tabulated. The data was then analyzed from drawing graphs for the different variables: pH vs EC, pH vs. site, EC vs. site. This allowed for testing relationship between stream chemistry and position besides testing that between pH and electrical conductivity. Water samples were collected from specified sites: Clarks River, 2: Bee Creek, 3: MCP unnamed trib. In SedSoilHuman Lab, lab Ph meter and EC meter were calibrated. Ph and EC on the water samples were measured. The results show that change in position contributes to the change in stream chemistry (ph and EC). This can be contributed to external factors such as pollutants, surface runoff and soil erosion. These factors vary within a river basin from one point to another. For instance, both factors affect the availability of ions at a given point. Soil erosion carry with it ions from one point to another so do pollutants add ions to their area of destination (Rajvaidya 45). In which case, increase in ions leads to increase in electrical conductivity of a solution (stream) while it leads to reduction in

Friday, August 23, 2019

Strategic Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Strategic Accounting - Assignment Example Quality costing should therefore be understood as the cost of not producing a product, which bears the above components that gauge a quality product or service (Thompson, 2010). The aspect of quality cost arises from the third era of quality where it emerges as a tool of quality assurance with its main goal being to avoid problems, by giving room to coordination of activities. Quality control as a technique of management accounting has been improved over time through the contribution of various scholars, who added in more knowledge and insight to quality control. Crosby initiated the aspect of quality testing through inspection, quality management, quality assurance and improvement (Kilger, 2002). Deming on the other hand shared his contribution by introducing the aspect of companywide quality control, which was later revised by Juran through his total quality management technique (Nokes, 2000). Quality costs are mainly understood in four major groupings which are commonly referred t o as the four types of quality costs. Prevention costs is a type of quality control and is considered as generally the most effective way to manage quality costs and avoid defects of products and services (Sadler, 2003). Prevention costs hold on a projection that it is better to prevent a defect from occurring at the first place than to correct it when it has already occurred, as it tends to be more expensive. Prevention costs make use of control activities such as statistical process control, quality engineering and training, which reduce defects. Prevention cost as a type of quality control also takes in activities relating to quality control, which consists of people who meet to discuss and solve quality problems. Statistical quality control as an activity of quality control is used to detect whether a specific product or service is in or out of quality (Samset, 2010). Prevention costs therefore take in the perspective of all activities that are designed to prevent the initial po or quality of products and services (Commission for local governance, 2000). Appraisal costs are also referred to as inspection costs and are incurred by an organization with the aim of identifying defective products in the production process, to make sure that defective products are not shipped to customers. Appraisal costs have the purpose of inspecting the production process and ensuring defective products are identified and eliminated. Many organizations however look at appraisal costs as expensive and ineffective to customers (Cadez, 2008). Other than employing appraisal costs, many companies encourage customers to be increasingly responsible for their own quality control through designing products that allow simple manufacturing, which gives a chance for quality to be built into the products (Morden, 2012). Internal failure costs on the other hand refer to cots incurred internally when a particular product fails to conform to design specifications that had been identified init ially. Internal failure

Thursday, August 22, 2019

A Cross-Cultural Study of British, Indian, and Portuguese College Students Essay Example for Free

A Cross-Cultural Study of British, Indian, and Portuguese College Students Essay Love Styles: A Cross-Cultural Study of British, Indian, and Portuguese College Students Love is a feeling known to many people. Sometimes, it becomes a goal for different individuals to find their love through different ways. Moreover, love is a feeling which helps individuals to be compassionate to other people. Hence, love is not a mysterious thing yet no one has really attempted to study such topic for its very vague concept. However, there is a study which presented varying aspects regarding love. The article Love Styles: A Cross-Cultural Study of British, Indian, and Portuguese College Students. Furthermore this article provides a very significant understanding towards the subject of love. Therefore, as stated by the author is categorized into six different types of love. The types of love which were mentioned are Eros, Ludus and Storge which are categorized as the primary styles of love. The secondary styles are Pragma, Mania and Agape. These are all composed of different categories which mostly provide the concept of love in the current society. Eros is known to be the romantic and passionate type of love. Ludus is known to be the game playing love. Storge is a love which is based on friendship. Pragma is meant to name the practical kind of love. Mania is the possessive or dependent kind of love while Agape is the unselfish kind of love. Thus, all of these kinds of love is dynamic that could interchange or develop through time (Neto, 2007). Hence, the author was able to create a study which does not focus on the concept of romantic love but also the varying kinds of love in the society. Hence, in order to understand the concept of love, the author view various culture such as the British, Portuguese and the Indians in order for to attain the accurate results of the data. In the conclusion, the author realized that the need to view love must go through a gender, cultural and psychological aspects for there are great differences in the ethnicity of varying individuals. The research question in the author’s mind is definitely leaning on the concept of love through utilizing the concept of Lee on various students from India, Britain and Portugal. Hence, this is the main basis utilized by Neto in order to derive to such study. In order to get the accurate data, the author used various students of different nationalities such as Indians, British and Portuguese that shall provide different view points of the study. The study was composed of 562 individuals who are not equally divided between male and female. The results stated that different cultures of people are important in predicting the kind of styles of love which they make. Furthermore, the cultural perspective mainly predicts what kind of love the participants wanted to experience. Moreover, the gender of the students who participated is significant in the study. Therefore, there are studies which show that Eros is important to both genders. Hence, in the study Indians is much leaning into three secondary type of love such as Pragma, Mania and Agape (Neto, 2007). Thus, the Portuguese and British participants are much active in the Ludus kind of love. In the whole study, I view that all the information provided is very interesting. The kind of love that is being practiced by different individuals from varying countries is truly affected by the culture and environment they have experienced. Furthermore, I find it very interesting that Indians tend to have a Mania style of love. Although I have learned their culture, I do not believe that Indians’ love style could lead into a very deep and possessive state. I have learned that although love is needed by everyone, the types of love could be different. Love is not only defined through an Eros relationship but also through different kinds of love such as Storge or Agape. Most people see love as a serious relationship that could end up in marriage. Friendly relationships and companionships are also love but with limitations. References Neto, F. (2007). â€Å"Love Styles: A Cross-Cultural Study of British, Indian, and Portuguese College Students. † Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Retrieved on May 13, 2010 from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_hb3248/is_200704/ai_n32226385/? tag=content;col1

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Bear Minimum Essay Example for Free

Bear Minimum Essay The lease of a combustion turbine by Big Bear Power from Goliath Co includes three provisions that we must examine to determine whether they should be included in the â€Å"minimum lease payment† as defined in ASC 840. Provision 1 This provision involves Big Bear paying $500,000 to its external counsel, and $1 million of legal fees to Goliath Co. The $1 million fee to Goliath Co. should be included in the minimum lease payment. This is supported by 840-10-25-6 which states: Fees that are paid by the lessee to the owners of the special-purpose entity for structuring the lease transaction†¦shall be included as part of minimum lease payments. The $500,000 to its external counsel should not be included because it was not an obligatory cost for the lease. Provision 2 To determine if the penalty payment from a default would be included in the minimum lease payment, we look at ASC 840-10-25-14: [Default covenants related to nonperformance do not affect lease classification if all of the following conditions exist: a. The default covenant provision is customary in financing arrangements. b. The occurrence of the event of default is objectively determinable (for example, subjective acceleration clauses would not satisfy this condition). c. Predefined criteria, related solely to the lessee and its operations, have been established for the determination of the event of default. d. It is reasonable to assume, based on the facts and circumstances that exist at lease inception, that the event of default will not occur. In applying this condition, it is expected that entities would consider recent trends in the lessees operations. If any of those conditions do not exist, then the maximum amount that the lessee could be required to pay under the default covenant shall be included in minimum lease payments for purposes of applying paragraph 840-10-25-1] The first condition about the default covenant provision being customary does exist due to the note stating that â€Å"this is a customary provision in  leasing arrangements†. The company has positive cash flow and is in compliance with all its debt covenants, which supports Big Bear’s belief that the chance of default is low. Thus conditions 2 and 4 are met. Condition 3, which involves predetermined criteria in case of a default, does not seem to have been met. Since not all the conditions have been met, the default payment covenant shall be included in the minimum lease payment. Provision 3 This provision states that Big Bear’s rent of $1 million will increase by the same percentage increase in the CPI. The most recent annual increase in CPI was 4%. 840-10-25-4 states that â€Å"lease payments that depend on an existing index or sate, such as the CPI or prime interest rate, shall be included in minimum lease payments based on the index†. Therefore after the first year, the minimum lease payment will rise by $40,000 per year or $3,333.33 per month.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Current Theories And Models Of Leadership Management Essay

Current Theories And Models Of Leadership Management Essay According to Adair a leader needs to exhibit certain attributes/qualities/characteristics in order to effectively exercise their leadership functions. These are: Group Influence a leader must generate willingness to achieve desired goal or objective. Command a leader must decide upon a course of action as quickly as the situation demands and to carry through with a firmness and strength of purpose. Coolness a leader must remain composed under testing or trying conditions. Judgment a leader must possess the ability to arrange available resources and information in a systematic and commonsense way to produce effective results. Application/ Responsibility a leader must demonstrate sustained effort combined with a degree of dependability in order to complete a task or achieve an objective (Kermally 2005). Although leadership trait theories are popular, it is viewed by many as very simplistic. There are those that argue that trait theories attribute the success of leadership solely to his or her personality and physical traits or characteristics without regard to the situational context. The trait approach is considered too simplistic as an explanation of the complex leadership phenomenon. Transformational Leadership Theory One of the most popular theories of leadership is Transformational Leadership theory, which was the focus of the works done by Bennis and Nanus (1985), Tichy and Devanna (1986) and Kouzes and Posner (1987). These writers were interested in leaders involved in major changes, operating from the top of the organization. All three pairs utilized relatively small, nonsystematic and non-representative sampling. Evidence has accumulated that transformational leadership can move followers to exceed expected performance. Tesco is considered as the most successful retail company in the United Kingdom. The success of Tesco was heralded by the appointment of Terry Leahy as the Chief Executive Officer. Leahy is considered as a visionary leader who led the company into a series of organizational changes that aimed for the company to become more customer-focused and to develop the companys workforce. Terry Leahy is revered as an excellent leader. Leahy was reported to say that he believes that the success of a leader depends upon maintaining a happy workforce. According to him, there are four things that a leader must provide to his workers and followers to satisfy and motivate them. These are: v  Ã‚  A job that is interesting to do v  Ã‚  A chance to get on in life v  Ã‚  To be treated with respect v  Ã‚  A boss who is some help and not their biggest problem Leadership Model: Bases of Power One of the most popular models of leadership is bases of power. The five bases of power model was introduced by French and Raven in 1959. There are basically two groups of power bases according to French and Raven (1959). These are personal (expert and referent) and position (legitimate, reward and coercive). The French-Raven model attempts to answer the question: What is it that gives an organization, group or individual influence over others (Shannon, 1996). Coercive power this refers to the idea that power can be wielded in a manner that creates fear. Reward power this is the ability to control rewards or positive reinforcers within an organization. Expert power this is power that stems from the leaders possession of special knowledge or expertise. Legitimate power this power stems from the leaders position that gives him or her right to exercise power. Referent power this power stems from the subordinates respect, liking or a feeling that the leader can provide psychological rewards or advancement. Among the five bases of power, there are three bases in which the success of Terry Leahys leadership is founded. These are legitimate power, expert power and referent power. Legitimate power stems from an individuals position within an organization and their right to require and demand compliance from subordinate. Legitimate power is a formal authority delegated to the holder of the position. Legitimate power was achieved by Leahy when he ascended as the CEO of Tesco. Through his position, he is able to lead the companys people. Expert power may include communications, interpersonal skills , scientific knowledge and so on. Such expertise is very valuable but specific to a task. It is based on the perception of the leaders ownership of distinct superior knowledge, expertise, ability or skill. Terry Leahy immediately joined Tesco straight after graduating from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) in 1979. He entered the supermarket chain as a marketi ng executive, was appointed to Tescos board of directors in 1992 and by the time he was 40 he had worked his way up to become chief executive in 1997. His wide experience in the company makes him very knowledgeable of the company, its customers, and its operations. His years of experience in the company makes him a possessor of valuable knowledge of the company, its operations, customers and industry. Referent power is based on group members identification with, attraction to, or respect for the leader. It is a leaders charisma and interpersonal skills which causes subordinates to gain a sense of intrinsic personal satisfaction from the identification of being an accepted follower. Leahy is a very popular leader among his follower. This is because he motivates them and constantly empowers them. He is also charismatic. Leadership Model: Action-Centered Leadership John Adair is one of the most influential leadership gurus. He became the worlds first Professor of Leadership Studies at the University of Surrey and is regularly cited as one of the worlds most influential contributors to leadership development and understanding. Adairs leadership work is written in a hugely rich, detailed and insightful manner that reflects his string academic interest in both modern and classical history. Adair is most famous for his Action Centred Leadership (ACL) model of leadership. The ACL model is represented by three interlocking circles encompassing the following: 1. Achieving the task 2. Building and maintaining the team 3. Developing the individual (Thomas 2005). Two of the main strengths of Adairs concept are that it is timeless and not culture or situation-dependent. A third strength of Action-Centered Leadership is that it can help the leader to identify which dimension of the organization or team needs to be strengthened in order to achieve its goals (Kermally 20005). One major criticism of Action-Centred Leadership is that it takes little account of the flat structures that are now generally advocated as the best organizational form. Action-Centred Leadership is also criticized for being authoritarian, applicable in a rigid, formal, military-type environment, but less relevant to the modern workplace, where the leadership emphasis is on leading change, empowering, enabling, managing knowledge and fostering innovation (Chartered Management Institute 2003). Perhaps one of the weaknesses that the critics of the Action-Centred Leadership is that it does not fit the modern organizations. Action-Centred Leadership tends to focus on the hierarc hical structure of the organization. It is applicable in organizations that are highly authoritarian. Impacts of Leadership Styles on the Organization and Its Sub-Units   Leadership style according to Rosen (1989) refers to the characteristic pattern exhibited by a leader on the process of decision-making and exercising authority. There are two types of leadership that I want to discuss. These are autocratic and participative leaderships. In an autocratic style of leadership, the group or organization is managed under the authoritarian leader. The participative leader on the other hand, possesses the same power as the autocratic one. However, a participative leader chooses to exercise his power differently during the policy-making and work-role assignment phases of the group action.   The appointment of Terry Leahy as the CEO of Tesco marked a new era for the company. Leahy adapted a participative style of leadership wherein the employees are given voice in the decision-making process. The CEO also gives emphasis on the importance of appointing many leaders to handle organizational process. The organizational structure therefore became more flat where the roles and responsibilities of everyone are clearly stated. Leahy delegates leadership roles to individuals in the organization in order to ensure that the company, with more than 300,000 employees, operates effectively. The leadership style that is manifested by Terry Leahy and is imitated by the leaders in the company has changed the structure of the company. The company has adapted an organic for of organization. An organic system is characterized by low to moderate use of formal rules and regulations, decentralized and shared decision making, broadly defined job responsibilities, and a flexible authority s tructure with fewer levels in the hierarchy. An organic structure is more appropriate to those organizations where there is a need to be innovative. The pressure of innovation suggests a structure that can respond to environmental variations rapidly so it is necessarily loosely defined and flexible. The organization tends not to be formalized nor are roles too closely structured (Salaman 2001, p.106). Organic organizations are stratified primarily in terms of expertise, and leadership accrues to those who are the best informed and capable. There is much more commitment to the organization, with the result that formal and informal systems become indistinguishable. A framework of values and beliefs, much like those characterizing a profession, develops that becomes an effective substitute for formal hierarchy (Miner 2002, p. 449). The company has adapted a simpler and flatter organizational structure. Task 2: Current and Future Requirements Current Requirements  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In order to remain successful in todays highly competitive business environment, many organizations are coming up with strategies to tap the full potential of their human resources. A companys people can be a source of competitive advantage. This is philosophy behind employee empowerment and participative management. Employees are now seen as partners. Because of this, organizations are giving more power and responsibilities to their people. Employee empowerment and participative management will increase productivity, give rise to better decisions, improve employee morale and job satisfaction, elicit greater commitment among employees, encourage flexibility, make employees adapt to changes faster, improve communication and increase employee trust.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the current requirements of leadership in Tesco is the development of participative management skills in leaders. The leaders at Tesco need to possess the necessary skills in order for them to practice participative leadership properly. The skills that the leaders must possess are: 1. Interest and concern 2. Communication 3. Conflict resolution 4. Negotiation 5. Compromise 6. Synergy 7. Flexibility   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Participative leadership is a leadership style which involves members of a group, sub-unit or organization identifying essential goals and developing procedures or strategies to reach those goals. Implementing participative management will also help the company to develop people in the organization to become leaders. Through participative management, people in the organization are encouraged to take part in decision-making, express their ideas and to showcase their talents and skills. The discovery of hidden talents and skills will not only help the group, sub-unit or organization reach their goals it will also alert the organization to people within the organization who have the potential to become leaders. Future Requirements   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One famous contemporary writer on leadership is Warren Bennis (1994). He believes that a leader must have a direction, he must earn the trust of his followers, he must kindle hope and optimism, and he must be results-driven. On the other hand, James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner (1987) believes that a leader must   seek to challenge and improve the process, inspire a share vision, enable other to act, act as s role-model, and encourage the heart of the followers. The future leader must not only focus of achieving the task. He must also learn to develop his people. He needs to learn the value of motivation. The future leader must know how to motivate using monetary rewards and he must also use psychological and emotional rewards to motivate his people. The future leader must find the balance between task-orientation and relationship-orientation. On the one hand, he needs to lead his people in achieving their shared goals and objectives an d on the other hand, he must be able to build strong relationships with the people around him. The importance of emotions must also be recognized.   Task 3: Proposals for the Development of Leadership 1. On-the-Job Learning The company must recognize that the primary place for leaders to learn is on the job and on the line. In order to the company to help leaders learn within the organization, educational facilities must be established inside the organization. The company needs to appoint educators that will educate and develop leaders in various countries and places where Tesco is operating. The organization must institute a Corporate Education department that will be under the HRM department. Within the Corporate Education, a Business Leadership Development (BLD) must be established. This group will focus on executive development and overall leadership development, and it will also be responsible for all training specific to leadership. Business Leadership Development should be used to come up with systematic ways to build the capabilities of Tescos business leaders. The emphasis of the BLD process must be to provide development opportunities at key transition points in individuals careers. To accompl ish this goal, a curriculum must be designed and must be operate under the following principles: Based on real problems and strategic initiatives Linked to business objectives and company values Segmented by customer needs Sponsored by CEO and senior executives Comprised of global content and delivered worldwide Based on validated competencies for success 2. Leader Sponsorship Another strategy to effectively develop leaders is through sponsorship. Through sponsorship, senior executives in Tesco will sponsor and will actively participate in leadership development. Example of leader sponsorship activities are involvement of senior executives in management conferences and facilitating dialogue sessions after a leadership development program. Senior executives can also facilitate panel discussions. Through sponsorship, Tescos successful leaders will be able to share and to instil the characteristics, skills and attributes of effective leaders to the future generation of leaders. 3. Leadership Development and Review In order to identify, evaluate, and develop future leaders, Tesco needs to come up with a list of competencies that is needed to become an effective Tesco leader. These competencies can be used as criteria in leadership development. These criteria will also be helpful in providing content for the leadership and management assessment processes, through activities like self-assessment, multi-score feedback, and assessment simulations. They will help identify and qualify external executive development resources. 4. Corporate Universities It is important for Tesco to realize that their most important assets are human capital and the know-how that reside in the minds of the employees. With this realization, the company needs to establish a corporate university. A corporate university links employee learning to overall company strategy, and as a result a corporate university will become a connective tissue for the organization. 5. Developing Emotional Intelligence among Leaders One important development area which must be focused on is emotional intelligence. Future successful leaders need to recognize and learn to influence the emotions of the people around them. An effective leader must have a high level of Emotional Intelligence. Dubrin et al (2006) identifies five factors of emotional intelligence. These are: 1. Self-awareness the leader of the future must be able to understand his or her emotions and how these affect other people. 2. Self-regulation the leader of the future must be able control his emotions and react with appropriate emotion in every given situation. 3. Motivation money or status is not the only motivating factor for a successful leader in the future. He finds fulfillment and satisfaction in performing his tasks. 4. Empathy the leader of the future responds to the unspoken feelings of others. 5. Social skills having effective social skills is important. The leader of the future must build relationships and networks of support. He must build positive relationships with the people around him or her.

Why Men Should Teach Feminism Essay -- Feminism Feminist Women Critici

Why Men Should Teach Feminism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   We were asked to focus on three questions related to men and feminism: first, what leads us to teach feminism; second and third, can or should a man teach courses or topics on feminism.   While my short answer to each question is â€Å"yes,† I have carefully examined my ideological history and experiences teaching women’s studies to be more certain of my response.   Not all of the varied aims of women’s studies and feminist activism are directed toward the sensibilities and status of men, nor should they be, but men are still an important audience for feminist discourse and should play a more active role in teaching feminism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thinking about the first question – what leads me to teach feminism – the answer stems from my belief that alliances matter in the struggle for progressive social change, and that allies must be enlisted to support the aims of ending sex and gender discrimination.   The histories of justice-seeking movements in the United States can help to illustrate why alliance building is necessary as a follow up to and a complement to the concentrated efforts of a dedicated base of activists, such as suffragists in the 19th century, young black students involved in sit-ins in the early 1960s, or protestors against the second Gulf War in our time.   Social movements often follow a trajectory that begins with radical activists confronting oppression with direct action, even when a cause appears unpopular.   If the efforts of an activist base are successful in calling attention to unjust social practices, a sizable minority or even a majority of the wider population may decide that they have a stake in the movement’s success, making possible such historic legislative achie... ...gues in the women’s studies program and other contexts has enriched my life far beyond the classroom.   In my future work, I will encourage others to learn from the history of feminism and to apply feminist pedagogy in the classroom.   My experiences being the only African American (and sometimes the only male) in many professional and personal settings have reinforced my conviction that the best hope for future progressive change is to build alliances that celebrate human commonality, and demonstrate for our students that (as June Jordan has written) â€Å"freedom is indivisible.†Ã‚   While we all can benefit from the comfort and even the catharsis that single-sex and single-race settings can provide, our students and our society are best served by cooperative, feminist-inspired work by women and men to challenge sexism, racism, and every other threat to freedom and justice. Why Men Should Teach Feminism Essay -- Feminism Feminist Women Critici Why Men Should Teach Feminism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   We were asked to focus on three questions related to men and feminism: first, what leads us to teach feminism; second and third, can or should a man teach courses or topics on feminism.   While my short answer to each question is â€Å"yes,† I have carefully examined my ideological history and experiences teaching women’s studies to be more certain of my response.   Not all of the varied aims of women’s studies and feminist activism are directed toward the sensibilities and status of men, nor should they be, but men are still an important audience for feminist discourse and should play a more active role in teaching feminism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thinking about the first question – what leads me to teach feminism – the answer stems from my belief that alliances matter in the struggle for progressive social change, and that allies must be enlisted to support the aims of ending sex and gender discrimination.   The histories of justice-seeking movements in the United States can help to illustrate why alliance building is necessary as a follow up to and a complement to the concentrated efforts of a dedicated base of activists, such as suffragists in the 19th century, young black students involved in sit-ins in the early 1960s, or protestors against the second Gulf War in our time.   Social movements often follow a trajectory that begins with radical activists confronting oppression with direct action, even when a cause appears unpopular.   If the efforts of an activist base are successful in calling attention to unjust social practices, a sizable minority or even a majority of the wider population may decide that they have a stake in the movement’s success, making possible such historic legislative achie... ...gues in the women’s studies program and other contexts has enriched my life far beyond the classroom.   In my future work, I will encourage others to learn from the history of feminism and to apply feminist pedagogy in the classroom.   My experiences being the only African American (and sometimes the only male) in many professional and personal settings have reinforced my conviction that the best hope for future progressive change is to build alliances that celebrate human commonality, and demonstrate for our students that (as June Jordan has written) â€Å"freedom is indivisible.†Ã‚   While we all can benefit from the comfort and even the catharsis that single-sex and single-race settings can provide, our students and our society are best served by cooperative, feminist-inspired work by women and men to challenge sexism, racism, and every other threat to freedom and justice.

Monday, August 19, 2019

child development :: essays research papers fc

â€Å"Fact: Middle children have it hard† Bello, Fausat Child Development 1 Hammond, Online education Name: Lindsey  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Age: 15 Grade: 11 Household #: 5 Siblings: 3 Other : Middle child 1. Your favorite nickname? Fritz 2. Do you have any pets? Yes, two rabbits. 3. What is your favorite color? Black & pink 4. What is your favorite scent? Vanilla & strawberry 5. What's your favorite drink? Red Wine 6. What food do you hate? Liver (not liver spread) 7. What was your favorite subject at school? Social Studies & English 8. What was your least favorite subject at school? Math & Physics 9. The strangest thing you've ever done? Dyeing my hair blue-green (like I swallowed those pills taken by the Thompson twins)! 10. Favorite movie? September Tapes, Corto Maltese: La cour secrà ¨te des Arcanes, Kill Bill, Addams Family, A Series of Unfortunate Events, & Sleepy Hollow 11. Favorite actor? Johnny Depp 12. Favorite actress? Christina Ricci 13. Favorite travel destination? (Still needs to travel) 14. Favorite month, why? December because the weather's cooler. 15. The high point of your life? Cleaning up my act during college. 16. What novel are you reading right now? (None) 17. Favorite novel? Other Side of Midnight by Sydney Sheldon 18. Your favorite music right now? Ramones & Black Sabbath 19. What are your best qualities? Loyal to friends, loves to learn new stuff, & open-minded. 20. What are your worst qualities? Introvert at times, easily gets bored, & a glutton (though I weigh 97 lbs.). 21. If you were a character in a Tintin story, which one would you be? A merchant like Oliveira da Figueira. 22. If you were a historical character, who would you be? Queen Elizabeth I 23. How are you feeling today? Bored. Name: Wasiu  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Age: 16 Grade: 11 Household #: 6 Siblings:5 Other :Oldest 1. Your favorite nickname? The Smurf 2. Do you have any pets? Two cats, Scaramouche and Pyewacket 3. What is your favorite color? RED 4. What is your favorite scent? Coffee brewing 5. What's your favorite drink? Coffee!!! 6. What food do you hate? Italian food-I can never taste it. Give me SPICES people! 7. What was your favorite subject at school? Everything but math 8. What was your least favorite subject at school? Math 9. The strangest thing you've ever done? Dressed as Captain Skut from Flight 714 for Halloween (I'm female and most definitely NOT blonde) 10. Favorite movie? I Shot Andy Warhol 11. Favorite actor?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Televisions Effects on the Natural Environment Essay -- Environmental

Television's Effects on the Natural Environment You may be thinking, â€Å"How on earth could the TV have an affect on our natural environment?† and you have every right to. At first glance, it may seem impossible that the TV can have an effect on our natural surroundings; but, nevertheless, it does. One of the ways that the TV can have an effect on our surroundings is by the amount of power that is needed to run all of the TV’s in the world. I realize, that compared to other appliances, a television does not use a huge amount of energy. But think about this: almost every family in America has at least one TV if not more (some people that I know have upwards of 6 and 7). Can you imagine the power it must take to run all of these televisions? And this is only in our country! Just think, if our society would stop watching television, we could save huge amounts of energy (fossil fuels) each year. This extra energy (fuel) could be used or saved in more efficient ways. The TV not only has an effect on our natural resources, but it affects our living organisms as well; in both bad and good ways. Lets discuss the bad first. Going back to what I discussed earlier, when we mine for fuels to produce the energy to power our TV’s, we are harming the habitat that our precious animals live on. Bet you never thought that a TV would indirectly be destroying an animal’s habitat? Television programming can also have an affect on our animals and their habitat. When programs and channels film documentaries and movies in the wilderness, they definitely have an effect on the environment. During the filming of a documentary or, especially, a movie the filmmakers need to transport their crew and equipment into very delicate ... ... viewing quality becomes and the more channels we can get, the more people are likely to stay inside. Don’t get me wrong, I love TV, and I feel that it is one of the most important inventions that this world has been blessed with; but I feel that it is taking away from some of the â€Å"realness† of our lives. People are becoming less healthy, they are developing eye and other health problems, and they don’t know what is real and what is not any more. I hope that in the future television designers and makers can develop so new technologies that would improve and not worsen our environment. The television is a very helpful and important tool that has had a great impact on our society, but we need to be aware of how this tool has also affected out environment as well, so next time you watch you television, think about what impact you might be having on our environment!

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of Thomas Jefferson’s Inaugural Address Essay

Ethos – â€Å"Utterly, indeed, should I despair did not the presence of many whom I here see remind me that in the other high authorities provided by our Constitution I shall find resources of wisdom, of virtue, and of zeal on which to rely under all difficulties.† In this section Jefferson names the first official document of America and states that it has provide and will provide the U.S. with everything it needs to be successful. Jefferson mentions his trust that he puts in the document and all that wrote it. Jefferson shows the citizens that because he and others made the document, they should be trusted, because the Constitution made America free from British rule. The Constitution unifies the U.S. also, it only states what need be, not things like divisions of political parties and what not. Diction – Jefferson’s constant use of words like us and we helps bring the U.S. together as a country regardless of whether you are federalist or democratic republican. It eases the tension between both parties. Pathos – â€Å"Called upon to undertake the duties of the first executive office of our country, I avail myself of the presence of that portion of my fellow-citizens which is here assembled to express my grateful thanks for the favor with which they have been pleased to look toward me, to declare a sincere consciousness that the task is above my talents, and that I approach it with those anxious and awful presentiments which the greatness of the charge and the weakness of my powers so justly inspire.† Jefferson begins his address by telling us he is thankful for being elected President and he states that he is humble by saying that he will provide the nation with the best care possible, no matter the cost. This statement hardens the people’s belief that they have chosen the right person for the job. He says he is grateful and humbled by the offer, there for appealing to our patriotism and admiration for who he is. Tone – Jefferson’s tone throughout the address is both humble and asserting. He states that he is both grateful and humbled by the offer of a Presidency. He also asserts his opinions and notions of unity and the country’s strength, invigorating the audience. Audience – The majority of the audience does prefer one side or the other regarding political parties. This speech is intended to reach out to everyone, including children. I think some might say that he is favoring Republicans, which may affect the tone of the speech for them. Everyone, however, is united as a nation by the address regardless of their political views.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Physical Education Is Important

DyEsha Robinson EDU 460 Motivational Paper September 23, 2009 Educators across the country are worried that kids aren't getting enough physical fitness. Kids in elementary school may be getting a lot of their activity on the playground at recess instead of P. E. classes. Most grade schools don't have P. E. teachers. Regular teachers can teach the kids physical education, but the state says many of them don't feel equipped to do that. Statistics prove more kids are becoming inactive and overweight. Among youth six to 19 years old, 16-percent are overweight. That's more than 9-million kids across the country. To compound the problem, state officials say as schools strive to meet intense academic standards with programs like â€Å"No Child Left Behind†, schools are de-emphasizing P. E. P. E. encourages kids to find something active they love to do, like dancing, swimming, hiking, even skateboarding, because then they're more likely to develop healthy habits. Put simply, at a time when every penny is being pinched by every school in every district in every county in every state, physical education is taking a beating. The experts and educators say there is no doubt that the erosion of P. E. has been a major contributor to the skyrocketing obesity rates. And, of course, the more kids are unhealthy, the less they can exercise. This is their circle of life. Improving children's health may not be a convincing rationale for school administrators. A big argument for cutting back on P. E. is that it wastes time that kids need to be spending in academics, and that it will reduce test scores, which is the death knell for schools. But a studies show that spending more time in P. E. does not interfere with academic achievement. In fact, in some studies, including ours, there is some evidence that it might even improve academic achievement. Other studies have shown that P. E. boosts brainpower (attention, test-score fanatics) if it's done right. That may be the key to fighting obesity as well—instead of just changing the amount of P. E. kids get, change the type. Learning to manage children's behavior in the outdoor environment might help with classroom management inside. Going outside and participating in a physical activity provides a break from the brain drain of sitting in the desk, so perhaps the teacher benefits as much as the students and everyone goes back in more refreshed and with a more positive attitude. The U. S. Department of Education contends in a newly released study that 99 percent of public elementary schools have some type of physical education built into their curriculum in 2005. But how often students actually engaged in physical activity varies widely. Between 17 and 22 percent of students attended P. E. each school day. Another 11 to 14 percent scheduled P. E. three or four days a week and 22 percent scheduled P. E. one day a week. Exercise creates more alertness in a classroom situation. It stimulates more of the natural uppers in brain, like dopamine, and it improves working memory and problem solving skills. Sources http://www. cnn. com/2006/HEALTH/08/20/PE. NCLB/index. html http://www. newsweek. com/id/130621? digg=1 http://rwjf. org/pr/product. jsp? id=20811 http://help. senate. gov/Hearings/2004_10_05/destefano. http://sports. espn. go. com/espn/otl/news/story? id=4015831

Thursday, August 15, 2019

History Comparison Betwen Mexican and African Americans Essay

The history of Mexican Americans is comparable to that of African Americans: filled with stories of conquest, racism, and discriminatory acts posed by society. The past has triggered Chicanos to fight back against injustices, in hopes of reforming immoral treatment, and emerging as an equal part of America’s society. The Chicano movement yielded some successes in this aspect. However, mass media and stereotypes confirm the notion that Mexican Americans are still viewed as a â€Å"lesser† people. This stems from the long-established concept of racial stratification. In this case, it indicates that Anglo-Americans have hierarchy over Mexican Americans. Consequently, discrimination towards Chicanos is still prevalent, despite ongoing efforts by activists for change. This nation was socially molded based on the idea that there is a hierarchy of races, and as long as that idea exists, Mexican Americans will continue to suffer inequality. In â€Å"Sexual Violence in the Politics of Conquest’, Castaneda explores the sexual crimes against Amerindian women during the Spanish conquest of Alta California. The soldiers accompanying the missionaries on the settlement raped and violated the native women openly. There were many incidents before rules were set to govern the matter, but even after the rapes continued to occur. One court case recorded in 1773 indicates that there was no intention to grant justice to the victims. The natives took matters into their own hands and formed forces to seek their own justice (similar to Chicano activist groups that seek reform for discrimination), but to no avail. Castaneda goes on to explain that the actions of the soldiers were not farfetched from practices of Western civilization (27-28). Because these dark crimes were normal for the dominant culture, they were automatically imposed on the natives, who were supposed to accept this without resistance. This is similar to Mexican Americans during the Chicano movement, who were not given equal opportunities for education and employment because they were not in the central group. In both situations, the majority emasculates the men and oppresses the women of the minority. The idea of hierarchy is apparent in this passage; Catholic missionaries try to strip the natives of their culture and convert them to value Western practices because they consider themselves the ‘prominent’ people. The history of the Chicano Movement can date back to the Manifest Destiny. In the 1840s, the United States planned to expand its territory and take Mexico, which had become independent from Spain. In reporting these events, Leo Cervantes notes the attitude of superiority that the Americans displayed in their imperialist plan. He notes one adherent’s thoughts, who asked â€Å"why resign this beautiful country to the custody of the ignorant cowards who have ruled for the last 25 years? † (13). Cervantes also quotes Thomas Jefferson, who has similar views of the matter, and promoted â€Å"policies of non-miscegenation† during the expansion (14). Even before Anglo-Americans were acquainted with Mexicans, they held predisposed opinions of contempt for them. As I suggested, Arturo Rosales agrees, â€Å"An underlying cause for the hostility Anglo-Americans felt for Mexicans was a preexisting ideology of racism† (5). These preconceived notions of Mexican Americans were the beginning of negative stereotypes attached to them. Today Chicanos are often represented in the media as uneducated thugs, loose women, or undocumented workers. Even whites who claim they are not racist may practice aversive racism by absorbing the images portrayed in media. It is this ideology of racism has contributed to discrimination over the years and inversely, the building of the Chicano Movement. The movement flourished in the 1950s and 1960s, feeding off other civil rights movements, particularly the African American movement. Both African American civil rights activists and Chicano activist protested the unlawful repression of minorities in America. They protested the terrible education system, police brutality, and denial of economic opportunities. Arturo Rosales compares Chicano activist, Cesar Chavez to Martin Luther King. It is expected that on this path to address the plight and repression of their people, Chicanos were met with resistance from White Americans. Rosales notes that police officers and other uniformed officials â€Å"were employed to suppress manifestations of discontent and did so using violence† (xv). It can be suggested that Anglo-Americans considered Chicanos a threat to the racial hierarchy, so they took action. Cervantes supports this theory, quoting Brooks Adams who said, â€Å"When a highly centralized society disintegrates, under the pressure of economics condition, it is because the energy of the race has been exhausted (18). This point illustrates the pressure Anglo-Americans felt to keep superiority over Mexicans. The American achievement ideology suggests four points: Anyone can make it. American society is fair and open. Success is based on merit. Moreover, inequality is the result of differences in ability and ambition. This ideology contradicts the apparent effects of a racial hierarchy. Stratification of races has formed structural discrimination among minorities, specifically, Mexican and African Americans. The poor education, poor neighborhoods, and badly equipped jobs that these minorities are subjected to prevent them from achieving upward mobility. However, white America still neglects to acknowledge these factors. Historian, Oscar Lewis, believed that people living in poverty are to blame for their own situation, yet minorities’ history in America consists of repression and treatment as inferior beings. There is no questioning it; racial classes have been socially constructed and this has directly affected minorities. The Chicano Movement has led to some advances for Mexican American such as the growing numbers of Latinos attending school, and raise concerns about unequal treatment to Chicanos. However, because underlying values of America are products of a deep-rooted, corrupt social structure, issue of prejudice will continue to exist.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Discussion Bill of Rights Essay

The Bill of Rights is the collective name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. The Bill of Rights lists freedoms not specifically identified in the main body of the Constitution. These freedoms are freedom of religion, freedom of speech, a free press, and free assembly; the right to keep and bear arms; freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, security in personal effects, and freedom from warrants issued without probable cause; indictment by a grand jury for any capital or â€Å"infamous crime†; guarantee of a speedy, public trial with an impartial jury; and prohibition of double jeopardy. In addition, the Bill of Rights reserves for the people any rights not specifically mentioned in the Constitution and reserves all powers not specifically granted to the federal government to the people or the States. Originally the amendments applied only to the federal government, however, most were subsequently applied to the government of each state by way of the Fourteenth Amendment, through a process known as incorporation. On June 8, 1789 Representative James Madison introduced a series of thirty-nine amendments to the constitution in the House of Representatives. Among his recommendations Madison proposed opening up the Constitution and inserting specific rights limiting the power of Congress in Article One, Section 9. Seven of these limitations would became part of the ten ratified Bill of Rights amendments. Ultimately, on September 25, 1789, Congress approved twelve articles of amendment to the Constitution and submitted them to the states for ratification. Contrary to Madison’s original proposal that the articles be incorporated into the main body of the Constitution, they were proposed as â€Å"supplemental† additions to it. On December 15, 1791, Articles Three–Twelve, having been ratified by the required number of states, became Amendments One–Ten of the Constitution. The Bill of Rights has had much judicial impact for 150 years of its  existence, but was the basis for many Supreme Court decisions of the 20th and 21st centuries. One of the first fourteen copies of the Bill of Rights is on public display at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.

Technology and Capitalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Technology and Capitalism - Essay Example This advertisement peg for his discourse allowed Hochschild to strongly argue that American society is currently being flooded by goods and services that promises people – busy people – of saving their precious time. Meanwhile, Sherry Turkle discourse on technology in Alone Together reinforced this take on capitalism today by explaining how tools and machines such as the Internet, personal computers, mobile phones and gadgets all became indispensable in modern way of life. Capitalism and Efficiency The concept of efficiency has been put forward in Hochschild’s culture of time (184). The argument is that in modern America, people are faced with the time dilemma. Most individuals have to balance personal/family life with work and career and all things in between. Here, the experience of American mothers was used as an example. With the Quaker Oats ad, it was depicted how mothers find it extremely challenging to spend quality time with their children when their job and occupations are also vying for an equal degree of attention. Hochschild identified that breakfast cereal – as suggested by its marketer – emerged as the solution for the dilemma. Modern capitalism made this possible. The oat brand is delicious and healthy, solving several problems for children as it provides a quality mother-child experience at the breakfast table and solves the child’s requirement for attention, love and well-being. The deliciously prepared oat meal, which any child will supposedly love is seen to qualify as sufficient for parents in order for them to let their children know they are loved and taken cared of. Finally, the oatmeal and the ease in its preparation provided the mother an opportunity to lessen time spent at home so she could be at her work or at her appointment on time. Turkle’s discourse on technology further explained Hochschild’s conception of time, efficiency and the permeation of goods and services that cater to the past two variables. She used technology and how it affected the lives of people today as the basis for her insights. The analogy is that technology has successfully ingratiated itself in the lives of people today because it addresses their main vulnerabilities. For instance, Turkle argued that people today are lonely and technology provides a convenient and perfect answer by providing an illusion of companionship without the demand for friendship (263). The pattern is clear: people are becoming dependent on the goods and services that can meet their demands for time and efficiency. The consequence is that people are increasingly substituting them for what is real. Substitution In Hochschild’s observation, people still value the conventional concepts of human relationship such as the family. Here, work and all other preoccupations are supposedly being undertaken in order for the family to survive and, do so comfortably. Ironically, this brings them further to it because the culture of work relegated family as a mere ideal, separate from what is real. To many people, wrote Hochschild, family is important morally and that they certainly cherish such ideal but â€Å"we don’t link what we think with what we do,† or we often say at work that we â€Å"don’t walk the talk at home (186). This perspective – the encapsulation of family as a mere ideal - supposedly make people reconcile the dilemma of the competing meanings in modern capitalism and its impact on modern necessities to traditional concepts such as the family. With technology, Turkle, provided several examples to this emerging preference for illusion and the substitution of goods and services for what is real. She pointed out, for instance: Some people are looking for robots to clean rugs and help with the laundry. Others hope for a mechanical bride. As sociable

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Cultural Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Cultural - Research Paper Example Political organization beyond the Chief V. Summary The Basseri is a native pastoralist tribe located in Iran. The tribe is pastoralist because they have pastures to graze cattle, sheep and goats and they depend on the animals for food. Everything that the Basseri do is central to the animals that they own. The following pages will discuss the Basseri and their culture and living arrangements, the kinship system, economy, and the pastoral chiefdom that is their leader. In a pastoral culture, all things evolve around the ability to successfully execute economic transactions with the animals that are owned. This goes for marriage as well; however, in the Basseri culture women are controlled and they are forced to cover their faces in public. More about the control of women will be discussed later in this paper. First, the pastoral culture of the Basseri needs to be explained to understand how rest of the culture works fits. a. Culture of Basseri Culture can be defined as everything arou nd us, everything we do, make, think or say. Culture is constantly changing and is influenced by many things. The Basseri are nomadic pastoralist tribe from the Fars region of present-day Iran. They descended from the Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Gypsy ancestors and are involved in rearing sheep, donkeys, horses, camels, dogs and goats. The donkeys are used to carry women and children while men ride in horses. The camels on the other hand, are used to carry heavy loads especially during migration (Salzman et al. 1995). The "tent† or family group is the basic unit of social organization among the Basseri. All tents have a recognized head that deals with the formal officers of the tribe, villagers, and other strangers (Nowak & Laird, 2010). They speak the Farsi dialect. b. Where they live Khanam (2005) gives details of where the Basseri live. The Basseri live in the Iranian province of Fars and migrate along the steppes and mountains near the town of Shiraz. Their population was 16, 000 in the 1950s but more recent estimates have not been widely published. Unlike other tribes, they are defined by political rather than ethnic or geographic criteria due to their livelihood. The area they inhabit of 18, 000 to 21, 000 square kilometers spans a large ecological range. There are deserts in the south, mountains in the North. The mountain precipitation provides support for vegetation while the southern lowland runoff and summer droughts limit vegetation to hardy desert scrubs. In the rainy season of winter, there is temporary grass cover (p. 121). c. How they Live The subsistence mode influences the way people live. As such, the Basseri migrate from place to place in search of pasture during winter and settle during summer. According to Nowak and Laird (2010), they move every three to four days with their animals and during this time, tents become their dwellings. Small tents are established for nuclear family at this time but while they settle for a longer time during summer, larger tents are utilized. During the summer period, the Basseri are involved in some farming especially the growing of wheat. This involvement in agriculture can be seen as abandoning their culture of pastoralism. However, it is only carried out during summer along the tribal route before the Basseri migrate to other areas (Marx, 1977).The reason why Basseri migrate is due to depletion of natural resources for the animals to eat. They therefore, have to move to other places to look for food for the animals. Culture also

Monday, August 12, 2019

Documentary Summaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Documentary Summaries - Essay Example Lars Larson, a gay man, is the documentary’s first interviewee and speaks positively and in an undisguised manner about being a homosexual. The interview is followed by a CBS News poll that shows opinions from Americans that homosexuality harms America even more than prostitution or adultery. Another gay man is interviewed and he talks about coming out and being treated like a wounded animal, which differs from the opinion of the next interviewee, Warren Adkins, who claims his family treated him warmly. The documentary then talks about homosexuality’s legal aspects with North Carolina Judge James Craven, who notes that the US should decriminalize homosexuality like in England. Frank Kameny, the co-founder of the Washington D.C. Mattachine branch then makes an impassioned plea to allow security clearance for homosexuals. There is also a debate on homosexuality between Albert Goldman and Gore Vidal who argue for and against homosexuality respectively. The interviews end w ith a family man who claims he is gay and that the US was too narcissistic for two men to form a long-term relationship. The documentary ends with the filmmaker contending that the homosexual in America is anonymous, displaced, and an outsider. One of the most poignant moments in the documentary is the short interview involving the gay man, Warren Adkins, who contends that one’s sexual orientation is their innermost aspect and that, just as a heterosexual would not give their orientation up; a homosexual like himself would not either (Kraemer 1). He responds to a question on what causes him to be a homosexual by saying that he does not concern himself with it, putting his homosexuality in the same category as having blonde hair. He contends that he does not dwell on why he is gay, just as a person with blonde hair would not worry about the chromosomes or genes that caused them to have blonde hair. As a part of the broadcast documentary’s research, the TV station carrie d out a demographic survey, which found that at least 90% of people in the US considered homosexuality to be a sickness (Kraemer 1). Majority of them even favored legal punishment for acts of homosexuality carried out anywhere, including sex between two consenting adult males in private. One fascinating aspect of this segment is the manner in which it completely neglects to do a survey on lesbians as part of the society of homosexuals, while also portraying homosexual men as incapable of being monogamous long-term unions and as naturally promiscuous. Even as this point to the failures of civil rights and general trauma that these issues caused in the late 60s, it is interesting that the same debate rages on to date as the world argues on gay marriage and the right of gay men and lesbians to legalize their monogamous relationships in the long term. It leaves one wondering whether a documentary made on lesbians and gays today would sound as antiquated and foreign as this documentary f ifty six years from today (Kraemer 1). While this documentary was made and released at a time when the United States had transgender people, bisexuals, gay men, and lesbians had come out, these people were fewer than they are today, as well as courageous (Kraemer 1). This documentary is particularly important when looking at the people, in this case men, who have fought for the equality of homosexuals in society. Because these people were courageous enough to be on a documentary, including Albert Goldman and Lars Larsson, they made things happen and were important in the progress made towards equality. This documentary, especially its uninspiring and biased ending that claims homosexuals are